Feeling a Little Hairy?

Tired of shaving, tweezing and/or waxing?If so, then laser hair removal treatment may be a thing you want to try!  Laser hair removal is just that, a treatment that is a non-invasive “laser” that beams highly concentrated light into hair follicles. The pigment in the follicles absorbs the light in which destroys the hair!

What Areas Can Be Treated?

Not sure of what areas can be treated? Almost all areas of the body except your eyelids and surrounding area can be. Have tattoos? If so, any skin area with them should not be treated.  So, your arms, underarms, face, chin, upper lip, upper/lower legs, shoulders, back, chest, nose, eyebrow, abdomen and bikini areas are all suitable areas for treatments.

Does It Hurt?

Often people question if laser hair removal hurts. Well, some say they experience some quick sharp pain on thinner skinned areas but for the most part it is not painful at all; but it can vary from person to person. If any pain occurs, it does not last long.

What Is That Smell? 

Don’t be surprised if during treatment you smell an odor. Sometimes, people describe it to smell like burnt popcorn or burnt hair. If you don’t smell anything, don’t worry that doesn’t mean it’s not working.

Is The Hair Gone Forever?

Does all the hair disappear after one treatment?  Though that would be fabulous, it doesn’t.  Results vary from person to person, you will see some results after 1 treatment but, typically it takes a series of about 6 treatments 4-6 weeks apart to see the best results.

Is this a permanent hair removal? Will you ever have to do treatments again?  Most experience about 90% permanent reduction with minimal regrowth.  It is very common for touch ups to be needed 6-12 months after initial treatments.


Once you decide you want to do laser hair removal treatments, there are some things you should/shouldn’t do.  You should not be in the direct sun exposure or suntanning 2-3 weeks prior to the treatment as well as after.  Skin becomes more heat sensitive from the sun, and when using a laser on exposed skin can cause hyper-pigmentation, burns and even scaring.  If you do plan on having sun exposure after treatment remember to use sunscreen.  This is why a lot of people wait to do their laser hair removal treatments more in the fall and winter months.

Darker hair and pigmented/darker skin tones that are best for laser hair treatment. Hairs must contain melanin to be manipulated so white, red, and blonde hairs will not work with laser.  If you are uncertain to if you would be a good candidate for laser hair removal, it is best to have a consultation prior to treatment.

If you are ready to throw away the razor, give us a call today 757-321-1914 to schedule your pre-treatment consultation.